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An alloy that may improve high-temperature electronics in oil and geothermal wells was really a solution in search of a problem.
| 4 min read

Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have performed record simulations using all 1,572,864 cores of Sequoia, the largest supercomputer in the world. Sequoia, based on IBM BlueGene/Q architecture, is the first machine to exceed one million computational cores. It also is No. 2 on the list of the world's fastest supercomputers, operating at 16.3 petaflops (16.3 quadrillion floating point operations per second).
| 3 min read

The Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition is the second largest conference and exposition for laboratory science in the U.S. dedicated to the needs of analytical chemists and those in the allied sciences. We offer high quality cutting-edge technical sessions and state-of-the-art short courses, workshops and seminars.
| 2 min read

- Eastman Chemical Company announced the signing of a master agreement with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to conduct research in chemistry and materials science.The agreement provides a minimum of $1.5 million over six years to support collaborations between Eastman scientists and UNC scientists, staff and students. Those collaborations include research projects, visits to both the UNC campus and Eastman manufacturing facilities and identifying and applying for federal or other funding opportunities. This collaboration was modeled after and complements the previously announced agreement between Eastman and North Carolina State University.
| 3 min read
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