Content by Saint Louis University
A team of international researchers dug deep to find some of the oldest African DNA on record, in a new study published in Nature
An SLU team believes their system may provide clues relevant to solving the mystery of why all life on Earth spends so much energy enriching potassium inside cells and throwing sodium out
Daniela Salvemini, PhD, professor of pharmacology and physiology at SLU, studies pain pathways, the series of interactions between molecular-level components that lead to pain in the body
Civil engineering students at Saint Louis University soon will be able to design and test steel beams and concrete frames at full-scale, thanks to a recent National Science Foundation grant
Consumers now can order simple, inexpensive, mail-in genetic tests to learn more about health risks, inherited traits, and ancestry. But could that information do more harm than good?
SLU students joined faculty mentors for early research in a cell model
The study, which will not start for several months, will be conducted at SLU's Center for Vaccine Development and at a research site in Puerto Rico
Biology-based field of study represents 'new frontier' for infectious diseases discovery
SLU research review reveals extra benefits for malnourished and frail elders
SLU family physician says simple changes to lifestyle can relieve stress.