Quanta Biosciences (Gaithersburg, MD) has developed hundreds of assays for quantifying microRNAs, and has entered into a partnership with Integrated DNA Technologies (Coralville, IA) to custom manufacture them.
MicroRNAs have been shown to play a key role in cancer as well as many biological processes including neurological and cardiac function. Quanta’s portfolio of microRNA products will allow scientists to accurately detect and profile mature miRNA (miR) sequences.
Early access customers have deployed Quanta’s microRNA assays for toxicology screening during drug development, and quality control of stem-cell pluripotency and differentiation. IDT, the Custom Biology Company and world leader in oligonucleotide synthesis, will produce the assays and supply them through an online catalog directly to Quanta’s customers. Quanta Biosciences has an entire line of microRNA cDNA synthesis and qPCR detection products at www.quantabio.com/mirna.