DNA repair
How can a cell find the correct DNA template to mend broken DNA given how busy the interior of the cell is?
| 3 min read
KU Cancer Center researchers are developing approaches to manipulate the DNA damage response to treat and prevent disease
| 2 min read
Targeting pathway could increase potency of some current drugs
| 3 min read
Achievement using cryo-electron microscopy to aid gene research and drug development
| 4 min read
SDSC’s ‘Gordon’ helps describe complex process that’s fundamental to cancer initiation
| 5 min read
This enzyme—known as Flap endonuclease 1, or FEN1—is often highly overexpressed or faulty in cancer and other types of diseases
| 2 min read
Researchers now know how key proteins get where they need to be to facilitate the process
| 3 min read
Time-lapse imaging helps provide new insights into process
| 3 min read
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