Health Care

GPT-4V, an AI model, often made mistakes when describing the medical image and explaining its reasoning behind the diagnosis—even in cases where it made the correct final choice.
| 3 min read
The AI model developed estimated lung function by observing the radiographs, with lower values denoted by blue areas and higher values by red areas in the saliency maps.
| 2 min read
Computer image of cancer cells
| 4 min read
THe microArch D1025 3D printer on a grey background
| 2 min read
Streamline Diagnostic Workflows with Syndromic Testing
Updated | 1 min read
a photo of multiple pill bottles and containers laying flat in a line on a peach colored surface with various shapes, sizes, and styles of pills spilling out of them
| 2 min read
a photo of the research team standing in a line in their lab, from left to right are: Dr Sarah Diepstraten, Dr Eddie La Marca, Associate Professor Gemma Kelly, and Dr Yin Yuan
| 4 min read
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CURRENT ISSUE - January/February 2025

Energizing Leadership in Action

The science-backed behaviors that help leaders inspire thriving teams and organizations

Lab Manager January/February 2025 Cover Image