They also investigate the causes of hidden hearing loss in humans
| 3 min read
New study shows that snakes can hear and react to airborne sound vibrations
| 2 min read
Perspective includes more than 40 coauthors worldwide, including the Oregon Hearing Research Center at OHSU
| 3 min read
Finding could lead to future treatments for hearing loss
| 3 min read
How to prevent noise-induced hearing loss in your laboratory
| 3 min read
Data shows that a dying brain can respond to sound, even in an unconscious state, up to the last hours of life
| 3 min read
The St. Olaf College team's findings on song recognition in the fly Ormia ochracea are part of special on 'How Enemies Shape Communication Systems' published in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
| 2 min read
Knowing more about how sound-detecting cells known as hair cells develop will help scientists figure out ways to replace hair cells that are damaged
| 3 min read
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