Much of the lab manager’s role is focused on problem solving. These problems range from complex scientific challenges to conflict between staff members to budget dilemmas. With all this focus on what’s going wrong around the lab, it can be hard to take the time to recognize what’s going right. However, it is critical for staff well-being, motivation, and engagement to do praise and recognition well. Here are a few tips to help you more effectively deliver consistent praise and recognition.
#1 – Thank you
Your mother was right. Some of the most important words around the lab are “please,” “thank you,” and “you’re welcome.” Something as simple as a pleasant and sincere “thank you” can go a long way with staff. It is an easy way to recognize people for the things they accomplish. By including their name with those simple words, you recognize them as a human being, not just a row in a spreadsheet, and you acknowledge something they just contributed. “Thank you” combines a bit of praise, recognition, and gratitude, which are all powerful connectors between people.
#2 – Timely and specific praise
The best time to deliver praise and recognition is in the moment of the accomplishment. Encourage open communication so that you quickly learn about the successes occurring in the lab. With practice, people will let you know when things are going well and when challenges have been resolved. The best praise and recognition also directly address the success, so be specific. The recipient needs to know what they did right so they can repeat it. Furthermore, vague praise can feel patronizing. Be sincere and genuine to build trust and earn respect.
#3 – Management by walking around
One of the best ways to learn about the good things happening in the lab is to do management by walking around. During these interactions with bench scientists, ask them about their work. Don’t just focus on how you can help them with their technical challenges, praise them for the things that are going well. If you consistently ask about successes, people will be very happy to celebrate them with you. This can also work with hybrid or remote workers. You just need to ask about their successes during video meetings. Once you know what’s going well, praise and recognize the staff responsible.
People need the support of leadership in good times and bad. During the good times, consistently delivering praise and recognition helps staff understand that they’ve done their work well and will contribute to more positive morale, higher motivation, increased engagement, and greater retention.