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Survey Ranks Top Biotech, Biopharma, and Pharma Employers

Insmed receives top honor as the world's most respected employer

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The Science and Science Careers’ 2022 Top Employers Survey polled employees in biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, pharmaceutical, and related industries to determine the 20 best employers as well as their driving characteristics. Respondents to the web-based survey were asked to rate companies based on 21 characteristics, including innovative leadership, respect for employees, and social responsibility.

Insmed, Bridgewater, New Jersey, receives the top honor in a ranking of the world’s most respected employers. The rankings, determined from a study conducted by an independent research firm commissioned by the Science/AAAS Office of Publishing, will appear in the October 28, 2022, print issue of Science and online at

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Like Science and Science Careers’ 2021 ranking of biopharma employers, the 2022 survey sought to identify the companies with the best reputations as employers. The findings are based on more than 6,200 completed surveys from readers of Science, and other survey invitees. Survey respondents came from North America (63 percent), Europe (15 percent), Asia/Pacific Rim (17 percent), and other locations (five percent). A great majority (92 percent) of the respondents worked in biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, and pharmaceutical companies.

Survey responses were analyzed by The Brighton Consulting Group, which used a mathematical process to determine the driving characteristics of a top employer and to assign a unique score to rate each company’s employer reputation. Each company received a ranking, for example, on the basis of whether it is an innovative leader in the industry, and whether it treats employees with respect.

- This press release was provided by the American Association for the Advancement of Science

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