New StarBright dyes provide greater flexibility for conventional and full-spectrum flow cytometry
| 2 min read
The Gel-Bright™ Laser Diode Gel Illuminator is more sensitive than LED illuminators for red dyes, without UV hazards
| 2 min read
StarBright UltraViolet 400 Dye offers maximal brightness and narrow excitation and emission profiles
| 1 min read
New CF®850 and CF®870 dyes mark the first commercially available fluorescent dyes with emission beyond 850 nm
| 1 min read
Next-generation polymer dyes can improve accuracy and brightness with reduced nonspecific staining
| 2 min read
New dye offers researchers improved brightness to resolve rare and low antigen density populations more easily
| 1 min read
Research laboratories have not been using protein-induced fluorescence enhancement to its fullest potential
| 2 min read
Engineers make white paint whiter and cooler by removing white pigment and invent a polymer coating with nano-to-microscale air voids
| 4 min read
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