wheat research
Wheat blast spread under climate change modeled for the first time
| 3 min read
Benzoxazinoids secreted from maize roots into the soil can improve the yield of future plants
| 3 min read
A new height-reducing gene can allow seeds to be planted deeper in soil for better access to moisture
| 3 min read
The gene-edited mutant wheat had significantly more grains per spike compared with the wild type
| 2 min read
Though Pst is known to be highly host-specific, it is interestingly able to infect two unrelated host plants, wheat and barberry, at different spore stages
| 2 min read
Recently published research brings scientists closer to unlocking the entire gene set—or pan genomes—of wheat and barley
| 2 min read
Researchers show that current platforms used by breeders do not provide the resolution needed to distinguish between haplotypes, potentially leading to inaccurate breeding decisions
| 2 min read
To help develop these varieties, scientists recently studied stripe rust resistance genes in 616 spring wheat varieties using the genome-wide association study approach
| 2 min read
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