Embracing the Lab of the Future...Today
New technologies help lab managers optimize efficiency and outcomes
The pathogens that shaped the course of history
Ensuring product quality, safety, and authenticity
In this month's comic, Linda shares her tips for communicating science and networking with fellow scientists via social media
In Focus
A robust sample management system preserves sample and data integrity and enhances traceability
Achieve new levels of automation performance with intelligent, intuitive software
Balances with integrated charge neutralizing technology ensure accurate, repeatable analytical weighing
Laboratory Technology
New technologies help lab managers optimize efficiency and outcomes
Business Management
Factors to consider when launching your long-distance project
How to maximize budgets and space during renovation or construction
Labs Less Ordinary
Lero's Esports Science Research Lab is one of the only laboratories in the world dedicated to studying the performance of esports athletes
Leadership and Staffing
In the age of social media, in-person communication still has value
Lab Design and Furnishings
Strategies for selecting equipment and furniture for an efficient lab facility
Lilly Innovation Development Center takes home Excellence in Innovation Award
Lab Health and Safety
Preventing and controlling animal allergens
A time of crisis such as this offers an opportunity for lab leaders to re-evaluate their safety program, and identify areas of improvement
While not quite miniature human brains, organoids enable scientists to study the developing brain
Ask the Expert
In this Q&A, CEO Yali Friedman discusses his extensive interest in information and how to collect and analyze data
Product Focus
Laboratories can adapt easier to evolving objectives and instrumentation with mobile workspaces
There are many options for scientists requiring a vacuum for their applications, and it’s a more complicated process to pick the best vacuum pump for a lab
The future of both broad genomic coverage and small-scale enrichment may lie in a third generation of sequencing
The unseen workhorses of laboratory robotics help to reduce human error and increase reproducibility