Cell Imaging

An example of a cell image before and after segmentation, a process which allows researchers to distinguish single cells from each other and their background. The original image is faint green dots that are difficult to distinguish while the segmented image is comprised of clearly separated dots of distinct different colors.
| 4 min read
illustration showing a close up view of the edge of a cell, focusing on the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane, with the lipids shown in pink and light blue, the inside of the cell being sky blue, and some orange and purple organelles visible inside the cell
| 3 min read
a series of vials lined up in a row each displaying a different amount of luminescence, with the first vial glowing orange, the next not glowing, the next 4 containing small green glowing sections, and the last 5 glowing orange with increasing brightness from left to right
| 4 min read
Eight differently colored squares on a white background showing 3DSIM reconstructions of plant and animal tissue samples, the top row of 4 images (labeled a-d) are a yellow square show cell walls in oleander leaves, a red square showing hollow structures within black algal leaves, a purple square showing root tips of corn tassels, and a teal/purple square showing actin filaments in mouse kidney tissue. The bottom four images (labeled e-h) show corresponding maximum intensity projection images below each matching top image.
| 2 min read
The CQ3000 on a white background
| 2 min read
Advancing Single-Cell Isolation Techniques with Automated Solutions
| 1 min read
The Essential Guide to Organoids in Drug Discovery
| 1 min read
Page 1 of 6 - 53 Total Items

CURRENT ISSUE - January/February 2025

Energizing Leadership in Action

The science-backed behaviors that help leaders inspire thriving teams and organizations

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