CURRENT ISSUE | VOLUME 5 - ISSUE 7 | September 2010
Science & the Public Trust
Strategies for managing complex scientific and social interactions
Laboratory Technology

Simulation tools have been available for 40 years, but advances in computer technology have now made them truly practical for use in managing operations in laboratories, which by their nature are complex due to the mix of tests conducted, the variety of equipment involved and the scientist skill set needed.
How it Works
Business Management
Leadership and Staffing
Research-Specific Labs
Product Focus
Lab Product

If one studies the evolution of the laboratory pump over the past 25 years, it becomes apparent that this is an area of significant innovation, with important developments in high vacuum technology, corrosion resistance, vacuum control, and improvements in the efficiency and ecological impact of vacuum pumps.
Ask the Expert
Lab Design and Furnishings

A successful water system design begins with a clear and precise definition of user needs throughout the facility. The purity level and volume of water required at each point of use can vary considerably and therefore must be fully assessed in order to properly inform the designer of the water purification system.